The description on the front of the card:
Hotel Manchester
John B. Minnich, Mgr.
Middletown, Ohio
Private dining rooms
Cocktail lounge
Coffee shop
All air conditioned
Estimated Date: 1930s-1945
Era: Linen Era
Condition: Unused
The description on the back of the card:
110 Rooms – Modern – Fireproof
Restaurant…Coffee Shop…Cocktail Lounge
Private Dining Rooms and 800 capacity
Banquet Hall…All Air Conditioned.
Published by:
Curteich-Chicago “C.T. Art-Colortone” by Curt Teich Co., Chicago, Illinois
Established in 1898, the Curt Teich Co. was best known for its wide range of advertising and postcards of North America. By the 1920s, it was producing so many postcards with borders that they became recognized as a type dubbed "White Border Cards," creating an "era." Later, Curt Teich's innovations in this printing technique directly led to the production of what we now call “linens” by the early 1930s.
Read more about the Curt Teich Co.
Rights Info: Public Domain