Boat House, Olentangy Park, Columbus, Ohio (1911)

Boat House, Olentangy Park, Columbus, Ohio (1911)
Vintage postcard (c. 1911) showing the Boat House and boats at Olentangy Park in Columbus, Ohio.

The description on the front of the card:
Boat House, Olentangy Park, Columbus, Ohio

Postmark Date: August 16, 1911

Era: Divided Back Era
Condition: Used

Olentangy Park operated as an amusement park in Columbus from 1893 to 1937 and was once the largest amusement park in the country. The Boat House was built along the Olentangy River and offered boats for guests. Eventually adopting the name the Canoe Club, park visitors could ride on a “Naphtha Launch” – usually, a steam-powered boat, but electric here – in a three-mile roundtrip and pilot rowboats around four miles of the Olentangy River.

Message on the back of the card:
To Z.L. White Co.
This reminds me of the Park we started for our Sunday, but failed at reach.
Take good care of Velma.
Your friend,

Addressed to:
Mr. Hugh E. Burke
Edgar, Illinois

Back of Boat House, Olentangy Park, Columbus, Ohio (1911)
Back of the postcard featuring a 1911 Columbus, Ohio postmark, a machine cancel, a green one-cent stamp, and a handwritten message.

Published by: Unknown

Cancel: Machine cancel
Stamp: Green one-cent

Rights Info: Public Domain

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